Jules is Patient by Toni Furrow
After a great morning eating donuts at her Lolly’s shop, Jules has a chance encounter with a beautiful unicorn on the street outside who she invites to have donuts with her. But when the unicorn has other plans on the way, can Jules be patient?
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LJR’s Thoughts for the book Jules is Patient
Furrow brings a delightfully charming book to little ones with vivid illustrations. You’ll also love the section in the back with questions for discussion about patience from a biblical perspective. Be prepared to have a craving for donuts when you’re done too.
Overall Rating: 4.25 out of 5
Christian Morals/Values: 5 out of 5
Story: 3 out of 5
Read-Aloud Value: 4 out of 5
Discussion Value: 5 out of 5
Recommended Book: Dear Diary, My Dog is Not a Dog by Aeonah Yang
Considerations for Jules is Patient
In our usual LJR fashion, we try to find anything that Christian families may want to know about ahead of time to address, skip, or dig deeper into. Take a look at what we found below. Our take on Discipleship Opportunities is at the bottom of the review.
- Positive Behavior: The main character learns to practice patience while another character realizes the value in thinking of others above yourself
- Negative Behavior: none
- Language: none
- Violence/Intense Scenes: none
- Religion/Spirituality: none
- Racism/Discrimination: none
- Romance/Sexuality: none
Discipleship Opportunities
The main theme obviously is about patience but a second theme to discuss is thinking of others above yourself.
- Patience: While many verses exist regarding patience, Ephesians 4:2 is a great place to start in this context.
- Humility: Philippians 2:4