Helping you discover
Great Family Read-Alouds & the Greatest Storyteller

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Every book review has everything you need to make great selections for your family read-aloud time. You’ll get the basics like the number of pages, more in-depth info like things you’ll love and things you may want to avoid, and even some points of discussion when it comes to scripture (including references in the Bible).
With Love·Joy·Read-Alouds, you can feel confident someone is reading ahead with Biblical principles in mind and helping point you to where you can find it in scripture so your family read-aloud time can also be about raising disciples. (Deuteronomy 6:7)

Book Reviews
Your family’s next great read-aloud is right around the corner. Find your pick of picture books, chapter books, and even great middle grade read-alouds.
LJR‘s Favorite
Fantastic family read-aloud recommendations for story time, bed time, or any time. Find the next story your family will fall in love with (and maybe even hug at the end) just like we did.

Curious about some of the great resources used for in-depth Bible study and to learn about the importance of reading aloud? Go to the Love·Joy·Read-Alouds Resources page. You’ll find more resources about reading aloud to your children and expanding your own Bible Study time so you can be prepared for questions that may come up.
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